This is a simple design, colorful, other 2 colors representing bites, green representing freshness too. You can use it for prints, embroider on shirts for your employees. It'll also look good in black and white version.
Thank you for your designs, before i make my decision i would like to make futher changes to the logo designs you've presented... can you please do this :
1. to number 239, change the whole Orange colour to Purple 2. remove the purple box and just leave the Green
can you also do another design showing:
1. to number 239, change the whole Orange colour to Purple 2. remove the purple box and the Green box 3. put the same boxes from #256 and change the colours of the small boxes to 2 green, 2 orange,
Hi I'm actually very impressed with this new design, sorry to be a pain... but 1. for #264 can move the bigger box into the right corner, like the way the green box fit inthe corner for #263.
2. can you completely change the colours, change the whole Purple colours to Orange and orange colours to purple.
my collegue has questioned whether we can add some red into the design... in #265
1. can you change the big green box to red.
By the way i have asked to Logo Tournament to etend the judging period for an extra few days, this is to ensure that i am 100% sure with the design that i am going to choose. As you may appriciate by now, i need to ensure i'm fully confident with the design that i would like to use.
Hi hope I'm not disturbing your sleep..!!!! I hope you're not getting annoyed at me making these changes at this time of the night.
Just a few more changes, my main back ground colour for the pizza boxes and t-shirts is going to be Orange, so if i put logo #265 on my shirt can you show me:
1. change the white background colour to orange, leave everything in the logo as it is.
2. can you also do purple background for #269, basically a reverse of the above one.
Hi, it not a problem with what you did, i think the colours have clashed together.... let try this....
1. for #270 can you please put a small white border around the who logo (like you've done for the small boxes)
2. apply orange as the background colour outside the white border.
At least this will split the logo from the background colour. I this this is makeing the colours slight;y clashed....unless we try with slightly lighter orange...!!!
Hi I also need to ensure that this is wrapped up ASAP, as I am 2 weeks behind with the logo...!!! But as you may appreciate I also need to ensure that I achieve what my goal is. What is happening on the 19th...?
1. For #280 and #281 can you change the orange colour around the 'pizza company' text to purple and change the clour of the text to purple.
2. Can you also apply the new orange colour to #272
I am leaving for a holiday on 19th. I will be back on 28th though. No problem we have 3 days more to go and I hope we will finalize by then. Please don't worry.
1. For #280 and #281 can you change the orange colour around the 'pizza company' text to WHITE and change the colour of the text to purple.
I've also sent you a face book request. I would like to ensure that who ever I deal with with the creation of my business I want know them more than just a username.