Ok, moving forward. (and this is based on Ryan's comments), can you work on the colors of the car now. Ryan really likes the color schematics that are in the first ranked entry. Bright and friendly colors. Let's see what your vehicle looks like with other color formats. Also, do you have a personal email address?
New changes uploaded, I try to adjust the characters the best, but I design the vehicle to put them in a sit position, make them in that position will looks better :)
Any other change needed please tell me, happy to work on it.
We have had the proper time to really look at your submission. Here are our thoughts. The reason we like the number one ranking submission so far is that the vehicle does not overwhelm the characters. In other words there is a real nice balance on the eye and that the perception is that you see the vehicle and the characters equally.
Our concern with your submission is that the car overwhelms the characters and that the vehicle is "bulky" in nature. Is there a way that you can make it have cleaner lines and not appear so bulky?
yep, I have it is just LT rules doesn´t allow us to contact CH private until the contest is over, at least via mail :S, but I´m here almost all day, if there is something I can do for you you can contact me on:
Ok, sounds good. I respect LT rules and was not attempting to go against any of their policies. I am still somewhat new to this, and I am learning the ropes.