it's a software package, I just designed it so that it has a unique feel to it, basically its a 3D rendition of one. I also thought that the cutout in the box could be the tip of a Jesus fish (since you guys are a spiritual company...which i think is really cool by the way) and I could potentially draw in the rest of the fish if you wanted later
Thanks for the new entries. Now that you've explained #81, I think its even cooler! I wasn't getting the partial Jesus fish. Could you make "development" stand out a little more in #93 and #96? Thanks again.
Thanks for the updates. I'm sorry I keep through ideas out but I just haven't found the logo that really "does it" for me. Things seem much clearer with my other contest! I'm still thinking about the Jesus fish in #81. I noticed, especially in #81, that I have to be careful picking one so that "Spirit Led" does not look like "Spiritled". Thanks again for submitting ideas on a Saturday!
in fact, if #98 was brought to our contest with a brown base square instead of white...brown for fertile soil, green for growth, blue for sky's the limit .... it would be a leading contender if not picked here
this new concept I thought would work for your software development aspect because its building blocks and depicts the development with one block on top. It also shows the religious part through the 3 blocks being a symbol of the Trinity (sort of a subtle symbol)
Thanks for #140. I realize it is a lot less abstract than the others but I think it does a much better job giving people an idea of what the company does. Thanks again.
Is there any way you can make the monitor a flat screen? And could the L in "led" be capitalized? Any other related things you want to try would be great. Thanks again!
Thanks for trying the design that I described. I have shown the short list to several people and I'm the only one who likes #146. Maybe if I would have thought of it sooner I would have given you a chance to be more creative with it. #98 and #81 are still strong contenders.
Could you put a gap between Spirit and Led in #98? With that change I'm pretty sure you have a winner, but I would like to see it first. I'm a LogoTournament rookie, so I don't know how I can see it with that change now that the contest has ended, but I'm 99% sure it will be the winner so I'm sure we can figure something out.