Xyan - Can you make the font size on "The" a little larger and move it a bit to the left so that part of the "T" sticks out beyond the circle similar to the way the "L in Spiral extends just beyond the circle?
We like this logo the best. Can you please change the horse to a similar style horse with jockey as in the Turfway Park logo at the top of this website? https://www.turfway.com/home
These are really looking good! Can you update this version with a running/galloping horse rather than one rearing up? This food venue will be at a thoroughbred race track and our customers are used to that look.
Thank you, would like to ask did the other designer currently 1st ranked have the horseshoe before the contest in blindphase or it was added later on by your comments?
Another option would be to simply isolate one of the horses you show on the trophy and make it larger. In addition to having a sports bar, we will be racing horses at this venue.
This is really coming along nice. Can you do a version for me with a horseshoe where the trophy is? I think it will be easier for people to determine what it is since this will be up on a big sign.
Yes it was a bit late on my part to submit during the blind phase, the other designer is claiming this now as his concept to rule to you need admin to assist you with this is limiting the designs.
Thanks, would like to ask is the horseshoe your original idea or it was with other designer before the contest done in blind phase? I'll make an update as soon as you have the go signal on the concept to avoid disputes on design hope you understand.
Can you incorporate a horseshoe into your design? In addition to sports we will also have a lot of horse racing. Also, in the subscript can you make Sports Bar & Grill all look the same rather than two different colors/fonts. I like the yellow
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Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!!
Thanks much, I appreciate all your updates!
This is really coming along nice. Can you do a version for me with a horseshoe where the trophy is? I think it will be easier for people to determine what it is since this will be up on a big sign.
Thank you!