There's no problem with the car is absolutly my vectorized work i did it from a photogragraph of a real car but i did not make it so detailed to maintain all attention to make more notorius the speedbumps, of course i can upload a version without the circle so the speedbump stays uncut. Is proable i will have it uploaded by midnight.
Hi Royal T i just uploaded the version you asked me for, the one without the circle and the speedbump not get cut off i hope you like it if you feel it may need something else please let me know, i am pretty aware of any comment you may say, this is the new entry: #64. If you think we can make it better let's do it!!
Well you pretty much nailed the concept request..... so I will have #64 (which is currently in 1st place) reviewed for any modifications.... A version with the text outlined in black but without the black coming all the way down to the car might work better. Thanks
Hi Royal T is great to be pretty close to the concept requested, i just cameback from a trip i will upload a version outlined in black without the black background way down, it might work differently.
Here are the latest requests: Can you seperate the text more.... it may make the text come all the way around almost making the logo circular.... but that is fine... more seperation from the text and car is actually preferred. Also... can you make the lines in the speedbump that same width for each color. Black is actually the base color, with yellow stipes...... but all stripes can be the same width. And one last thing....... can you add some speed lines to the back of the car like you did on submission #43. Thanks
Yes of course i can Royal T i will make all the adjustments you are asking for another variation just give me little time to upload it and there will be ready. Probably the only one i disagree is about the same width for the bump lines that might be only correct if the bump was seen in front way but the idea is based on perspective, but i will give a try thanks a lot for your feedback.
Yes #76 is the favorite. We have three changes we would like to see: 1). Can you fill in the white gaps on the top of the 'Speedbumps' text with black. 2). Can you make the speedbump itself more black or atleast as much black as yellow. 3). Can you add white or light gray speedlines under the black speedlines.
Sorry for the delay. Yes #81 does look alot better on the website. We have one last modification before we select this concept as the winner. Because the owner of the company owns a yellow corvette, and because we want to make sure that the car is modeled after our own prioritary images, we would like for you to replace the existing car with the one in these photos.
No Problem for the delay is is totally comprehensive i will work right away today i hope by night to have it finished don't worry about the bump it will be improved as you wish, thanks for the feedback.
Hi Royal T, all modifications have been done to #81 based on the last feedback you gave me i hope is closer to the result you were looking forward i uploaded two versions against gray and white, ill be glad to hear from you soon if you have any more suggestions i'll be attending your call, thanks.