#8 I like the way you create the initials. Pls leave out the letter "s" and make the letter "x" more artistic. Instead of looking like a cross, I prefer looking this as a symbol of CONNECTION, connecting "speech" & "xpress".
#7 To make the logo more connected, you can join the letters together. As for the picture on the left, pls create a sense that they are communicating (preferably one person communicating to two people, i.e. presentation). A brighter blue is also appreciated.
#41 Very nice design. i like the bird image you've created for the letter X. it symbolize with speech xpress, you can make dreams come true and fly in the sky. ;) pls focus on developing this one logo. Pls make the x bird image more clearer.i want the customers to identify the bird logo and its inner meanings within 3 secs. keep going!