Speckled Ax PerformanceLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Speckled Ax Performance Speckled Ax Performance has selected their winning logo design. For $350 they received 106 designs from 20 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by Ivan Fortunov Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 2nd #95 Withdrawn 10th #97 Withdrawn New #84 Withdrawn New #96 Prefers others. #83 Discussion Ivan Fortunov Logo Designer X as an AXE :) 14 years ago mulrich64 Client Hi Ivan, Can we see a logo that uses the same font as the attached "all-american strength & conditioning" logo attached. Like the red, white and blue theme but would also like to see red, and rust to red to silver ax .Thanks 14 years ago