57 &58 seem more Orange than gold.... 59 darker gold please Shield , could it be more like the interstate sign in US as far as shape? http://www.interstatecargo.com/enclosed.php if you use white S like in 6 could it look like road?
Great looks on #60 bring sign down to overlap the words so as to make more of a rectangle logo. Try youcallwehaul.com at bottom and also one with "THE SPRINTER SPECIALIST" 65 HAS SOME POSSIBILITIES ALSO WITH SAME COMMENT AS ABOVE with maybe a Sprinter view styled like you have or perhaps a facing view of sprinter and bucket truck as seen elsewhere. Thanks for your quick turnaround...Curt
Actually I am not sure about my revision for #60 bring sign down to overlap the words so as to make more of a rectangle logo. I just tried made revision give symbol http://prntscr.com/7p7ewb to tied words to be rectangle. Pardon me if I am wrong. Thank you.
On all of the shield designs, we wanted to see the shield lower so that there is some overlap between the shield and the wording. The link you have above did not show us anything? On the two designs with the vehicle, can you change the vehicle to a sprinter (which is more like a van/camper).