I really like the concept you've come up with in #15. Not so sure I like all of the black in #14.
I'd never really considered going to the tan colour that you have in #15. It sure looks nice though.
I'd like to see what you can create without the tag line. It seems to take up a lot of room in some of the other designs and some really beautiful work has now come in without it. Let's not stick with the tan colour though. Let's work against a white background.
I think #34 and #36 are my favourites for using the tagline. It's easy to read and doesn't look cluttered. I really like that!
While I realize a visual separation is probably required from a design point of view, I'm not sure if I like the vertical line after "Weddings" in #34 and #36. Would there be another way of doing this? Would it look ok without it?
What about making the "Q" black? That might be interesting.
Just so you know, I also like monogram style logos.