In reference to #17, I like the smooth look you've created. The Greek "S" should be changed to a modern "S" and I'd like so see something different in the circle too. Thanks...
Mk, you submitted 3 great choices. I actually like all 3 but would like to see just a couple more variations. I put entry #36 in first position but still haven't decided which one I like the most. I'll ask some friends for their feedback too.
1. Can you try one with the "S" and "N" the same size as the other letters? I'd like to see the difference. 2. I like the graphics you used in the logo. Any variations changing colors, backrounds, and shapes would be great.
hello from Greece strunger... Absolutely no problem with your requests... but i can upload on moday because here in Greece were celebrating the Greek Orthodox Easter (and i don't have my work with me :))... so i'll send you all the variations on Monday! Cheers Mike
Thanks for the new versions. I'm going to ask for some second opinions from friends on all of yours since they're similar and the one that's currently in second position. I like that one too. Hope you had a nice Easter.