thank you for your designs. I prefer the blue/grey colour schemes over the gold. the red is nice too. if possible could you try to focus on the logo design rather than the company name to see how that turns out? also could we see how the logo would look underneath the company name as well? Its not mandatory to have the full company name. Thx
i think the sc logo may look nice inside all of the other logos. also could i see the s centered in the c to see how that looks. Thank you for the immediate responses and the selection. i appreciate that.
i'd like to see how #'s 11, 12 and 13 would look with the SPARA larger and the CONSTRUCTION a bit smaller underneath the SPARA. (Kind of like the #1 ranked logo.) Also with the sc logo inside the empty space of #'s 11 and 12. maybe we could lose the slogan to see if its necessary to have it in the logo. I also like how you made the spara in blue on #10. Maybe we could see that on #'s 11, 12 and 13 just to see how it looks. Thanks
could we try to insert the sc into #11 and also make the spara over the construction like you did on the newer entries? and could we try #'s 18 and 19 with the darker blue? I'm very impressed with your effort and focus. thank you.
here's something specific i'd really like to see: entry #11 with the sc (your origional version of it) in the center of the house. make the c in grey and the s in blue. also make the company name with the 'spara' on top of the 'construction'. (one version with the 's' and the 'spara' in blue and 'c' and the 'construction' in grey) and another version with all lettering in grey. i think your on to something, thank you again for your work.
i really like the updates. on the updates you have the sc with the s centered. I would like to see it with the s slightly larger to connect with the c and/or another version with the sc the origional way you had designed it with the s not centered. I like where you're going with this. thx