These shutters look much better. Can you please go back to square instead of curved? Also try one without the lights? Finally, maybe try some different foliage? The current stuff looks a bit Christmasy :-)
Hello, Thanks for taking time to comment.
Please see revisions #103 and #104
As for the request of a version with a font similar to entry 32.
I apologize, but at the moment designers are not able to see other entries.
Perhaps if you let me know the style of font you are looking for, I can try other options. Are you interested in serif or non serif fonts?
This is nice. For this and #81, could you try it with shutters next to the windows instead of lights? And also do a version with a font similar to submission thirty two?
Comment Activity
Please see entries #148 and #149
Thank you.
Please see revisions #103 and #104
As for the request of a version with a font similar to entry 32.
I apologize, but at the moment designers are not able to see other entries.
Perhaps if you let me know the style of font you are looking for, I can try other options. Are you interested in serif or non serif fonts?
I look forward to your response.
Thanks for reviewing