Hi Zhukorn....Your #75 is quite interesting. Could you experiment with putting a few longitudinal and latitudinal lines in the center oval to simulate the world? For the next three days, I will have limited Internet access. On any day, I will respond as quickly as I can. Thank you for your good work. Skip
Thank you Zhukorn. We appreciate your help very much. I will be getting input from company executives during the next two days, and will be able to help with rankings then. I will pass on all suggestions I receive. Thanks. Skip
Hi Zhukorn....Thank you very much for the improvements that you made with your Entries #112 and #113. On both of these, we will appreciate it if you will add light meridian lines (latitude and longitude) to create a global effect. All artists are being permitted to do so as designs. Ivan of LT has granted permission for all artists to do so. If you need confirmation, please contact him. Thank you for anything you might be able to do for us along these lines. Thanks, Skip