#1 : try in a horizontal configuration. Also would like to see additional ideas for the "SPA" part. #2 : We'd like the "SPA" part to be the optional, stand-alone stamp logo. (i.e. The SPA could be by itself as a stamp-type logo AND included as part of the full "SPA Skateparks" logo. Let me know if you have any questions.
#1 and #2 : to clarify, by stamp-type logo I simply mean a logo that can either stand by itself or as part of the full SPA Skateparks logo. I'm not referring to a post office type mailing stamp design.
#1 : Royan - We put you in the top 5 because we'd still like to see your other ideas based on the ramp in the A. Because of time restraints in the contest phase, we'll give you more time to offer other ideas. Thanks and we look forward to your ideas.
#107: Great. We'd like to see the SPA in slightly bigger font and the horizontal line off the A in SPA to go over the S in SKATEPARKS. Also, please try SKATEPARKS slightly less bold. Thanks - this is looking good!