I love what you did with the lettering in #31, but I'm not crazy about the colors. Another community center in the city uses those colors for a lot of things. Is there a way to do it with bright colors?
sir,No one wanted to blacklist me in this contest, he was beloempoenjanama he told me to remove all my design, she reported that she imitate my designs to the contest, even though my original work was really weird, I do not know what I can do because I can not contact the contest,
Sir, if my file lost, call me in my email: adie.male@gmail.com. i don't know beloempoenjanama accused me of imitating her design. my all work truly original thoughts and from my idea :( I'm really disappointed with this contest
I am not sure how to answer your questions as I have never done this before. I think it would be best if you contacted Logo Tournament directly and they could help.