Can you enlarge design 17 slightly? I like this design, however the others are jumping out at me more and it might be because they are larger - Thank you!
Love it.. Can you shrink down the headstock just a little more? It seems just.a little less would make it more subtle and disrupt the visual of the H less- thanks for All the work on this
Maybe a little more graceful on the top of the headstock. I believe you could use the previous headstock shape (fender), just make distort it slightly? Maybe making the top less circular by stretching it out slightly. I'd also like to add "Box Springs, Georgia - U.S.A" if you can make it work without it looking too busy.
Sorry for the multiple uploads, trying to get the headstock shape. #90 has the left side raised further up where it flares out, so it isnt so much further down as fender headstocks are. the circle is now an oval on top
I think #91 I'm happy with. The oval is more pronounced, without going overboard, ive angled it to match the angles of the headstock. left side is significantly higher than a fender headstock left-bottom side. Again sorry for the multiple uploads
Maybe extend the lines slightly more coming off "guitars"? To create more of a label effect? Any ideas on adding subtle color? 40's vintage earth tones. Georgia is known for its red clay and greenery - so maybe vintage terra cotta and an antique faded green? - thanks again
I've uploaded a couple of distressed/aged ones, also in reverse color so you can see how that would look, and a version that has not been treated with the distressed look.
Thanks for the color samples - it helped. I'm going to revert back to black and white for now. The final challenge, I think we have the design, now can it be made into a vintage label, or something which would have been stuck to the back of a vintage electronic device. If you google vintage 40s labels I think you'll get where I'm headed with this. :)
At this point in the contest only the first ranked designer can upload entries. You can toggle the rankings around if you wish. I have the images ready :)
Ahhh sorry I wasn't paying attention to the specific rankings - please upload I'm ready to select the winner. Will I just be given 1 of those designs? I would assume so. I like the labels etc as well for different applications - this is my first time, so I'm not sure what happens from here - thank you again for the patience and hard work!
Can you take a hard look at the balance of the circles I'm feeling its a few degrees off but it would be too hard to explain. I think you will see it when you look :)