#20 Interesting symbol and solid logo position between symbol, wordmark and tagline. Need a space between Southeast Asia. The tagline font selection seriously lets down this design. I would like to see more attention to the colours in the symbol and tagline. NOTE: There are no need for colour variations or coloured backgrounds, I only need to see one version of a logo and will add my comments.
#20 We like the symbol, it reminds of us of a flame. However we feel it needs some extra work, such as colour selection and maybe a second flame flicker to balance the tall one. With the wordmark we would prefer lowercase, Southeast Asia. The tagline needs a lot more attention, it's too small and difficult to read. We would like to see you submit revised designs based on our comments.
#175 The symbol you have created, for me, offers several meanings. Firstly, the flame which is warm. Secondly, the 3d feel you have created, is like a ribbon spinner at the Olympics. Thirdly, the slightest hint that you're trying to spell SEA. Lastly, it's not a sun symbol. What I would like to see develop in this symbol is maybe a bit more 3d, more of a ribbon spin that may give more impression of a lowercase e, if possible. The 2nd flame you added, may look stronger a little further to the right. The last thing would be to try to make the 2 orange colours more different, they're too close in colour. Maybe use a blue, as a gas flame. These are suggestions, and would like to see your creative skills at work. The wordmark font seems a little heavy, and maybe lose the line between wordmark and tagline. Overall, this could be a excellent contender to win! #178 Symbol feels too intricate and complicated
#198 This is coming along nicely, it feels a lot more finished. I personally prefer #201 as the two colours offer contrast and has been simplified with one fewer line. Overall, two strong entries, good work.