#122 Overall, this is an appealing logo. We like the symbol but its biggest fault is the ray looks like a leg. Change it enough so it doesn't look like a leg, maybe change the shape of the foot, that's for you to decide. Really like the font selection and the darker colour of the wordmark, it has strong presence. The tagline is too small, this needs to be much bigger! Good start, look forward to seeing more of this design.
Having looked at your revised designs I think you may have misunderstood what I meant. #122 is appealing but looks like a human leg with a short foot sticking out. Extending the 'foot' so it's longer may help. Overall, I think you are closer with #122, try to simplify it a little more. #152 uses strong and appealing colours but feels too complicated and intricate a design. Tagline needs to stand out more.
#187 For me this is the best of the bunch. I still feel there is too much going on in the center with gradient and intricate lines, I would like to see it simplified a little more. Also consider submitting a vertical treatment, it may help your chances. The tagline is a mess and needs work!