#23 Right idea. We love it! However, you must be able to tell right away we're a liquor store from the sign. How about using the stain as the "O" and the glass/bottle from #13 for the "U"?
Thanks for the feedback. I have submitted quite a few ideas, please feel free to give honest feedback as it all helps us to determine which direction to go with.
Also, please leave feedback for individual designs in the designer comment area as you have done here. This serves a couple of purposes.
1. When you leave feedback here, we get a notification in our email and can respond much quicker. Other wise we may not see any request you made in the general comment area, unless we happen upon it.
2. And just as important to the designers, is that when a CH posts on the general comment area, inevitably some will see it as a go ahead to copy other's ideas. Then the whole contest becomes a mess with LC's (Logotournament version of court) where if you are voted by your peers that a design is to similar to someone else's then a designer and his work is removed from the contest. Additionally, the CH gets less original ideas since the all the logo begin to take on a similar appearance.
Again thanks and please let me know if there are any additional revision you may want to see.
Can you please do me a favor and remove the two previous comments directed at me, from the general page. Some of the other designers see what you write to someone in particular, and will run with the idea.
I woke up this morning to find too many similar designs (in fact I thought a few of them were mine). I have been receiving messages from other designers telling me that I need to "Logo Court" (LC) a few of them. Some will not withdraw unless I LC the others. LC's are not good for any of us. They lead to animosity between designers and in certain cases, they can be banned from the site altogether.
Also please fee free to ask for color changes. If you prefer the color combination of one, such as the word SOUTH in Burgundy or the word Mart in black...
Not too concerned about colors as we're trying to engage in the concept. We like red, white and blue as these colors transfer well to most marketing print and web.
Can you some how morph #26 and #28 together so it looks like the wine stain is also wine being poured into the glass? And even perhaps add a bottle for comparison. This is coming out great!!
I wanted to get some more ideas out. These can all be altered or refined. Unfortunately, I'm afraid tomorrow I will be wakening to others doing similar designs and borrowing from my entries once more.
The main problem when someone uses an element from one's ideas, they basically can stop a designer from furthering the idea. Unfortunately some designers do not respect this rule and creates problems for us to further our concepts. Even if they look different, the rules state that if a designer presents a concept first, like using the U as the wine glass/wine splash they are entitled to keep working it. For example if on number #113 someone else takes the concept and adds the full bottle, then tomorrow I will be blocked from reworking my own design and adding the full bottle. I know it may sound petty, but when your in the business of selling logos and the ideas behind them, this is the equivalent of someone coming into your store and stealing your entire inventory. :(
Anyway, I appreciate your feedback and look forward to presenting more ideas.
In #143 I am trying the stain morphing into the pouring bottle. I found that visually this worked better then the stain also being the pour. Because the stain has a full circle, it is difficult to get a natural appearance of both "stain and pour" since visually they would be on perpendicular plains. (hope that made sense).
Also, when you mention variations on the glass in #28, do you mean variations in the wine inside or the actual glass, such as, more fluted, no stem...?
We understand and greatly appreciate the efforts in your design concepts. We really like #104, #105 and #28. Variations of #28 would be with and w/o the stems, but also color options as well. Now that we have an idea of concept - color selection would be great! Bold colors that comes across well on street signs and print would be blue and red. Thanks
I submitted #202 , #203 , #204 without any sort of gradient and/or screens they are a blend of #104 and #28. You may need a couple of color versions of the logo especially with the signage. The sign makers may have some limitations since most outdoor signage is screen printed so the gradients (which would require 4-color process) may be difficult and/or too costly to be printed.
In these versions I removed the different color tints in both the stain and the pour. For regular offset print such as business cards, ads... then you may want to use a version which has the multiple shades of color in the stain. I also used the more simple and stylized "pour". The ragged "pour " of #104 could still be used, but for the signs, I would make the highlight solid (like the new entries) for easier sign printing.
Let's get rid of the wine stain ring and try different color combos for #104 and #105. The wine ring stain doesn't look right. Looks like those are our favorites from your vast designs! Thank you