I like it! Again, I haven't used this service before, so I'm not sure how this works. Once I select winner, do you email me the file? I would like to have both the black and white versions, and as long as I'm being "asky", is it possible to have the ST (with sound waves) as well? Thank you very much!
Good morning. I am close to finalizing. Overall, I prefer the font and overall height of this logo (#103). Thank you for the new submissions, but tbh, the ST is taller than I prefer on all of them, particularly the ones where the ST is above the lettering. I would ask for one more look, then I'll decide between that and #103. What I'd like to see is the font and height of 103, but with the ST from #131 to the left (not above) of the lettering, and the "sound waves" on both sides of the ST, and nowhere else. I prefer the sound waves to be the same size as #103, not taller, as in the other versions - I just prefer them to be a little more understated. Thank you, and I appreciate your patience and the multiple submissions!
Hello again. I am leaning toward 103/128 overall, but at the risk of asking for too much, is it possible to somehow incorporate a small(ish) version of the "ST" overlapping letters? I like the overall look and balance of this design - it works for a banner (top of a website), for letterhead, shirts, etc., but I like the idea of incorporating the ST for those applications when a round shape would better suit. Also, could you please raise the S above the T and/or in front of it? Another submission overlaid them a bit, so that the curved portion of the S was the top of the T, and that had some appeal. I have not used this service before, so I don't know if I'm being a pain or not - sorry if so. Also, if I was to select your design, would I be purchasing both the black and white versions, and perhaps a version that is just the "ST", or is that not how it works? Thanks.
I like the way it looks against a black background, but practically speaking, that means I would need a black block with the logo on an otherwise white piece of paper for letterhead. Ditto my website. I could see it on a business card, maybe, and maybe on a shirt also......could I ask you to also submit one with gray lettering on a white background? Thank you.
you have some interesting ideas - thank you. On this one, with the T above the S, it makes me think the T comes first. Could you please put the S above the T, or maybe even have the top of the T and S overlap? Thank you
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