Hi, this is my first suggestion for your logo. This first entry is basically just the clean version of the one you posted. I just have one question - since the name is rather long, would your client consider having vertical logo (graphic on top of the text)? That way the font doesn't have to be condensed (with horizontal logo, using regular or extended font would make it too long) any feedback will be much appreciated
thanks for the feedback 2 variations - it would be very helpful if you could provide an approximate size for the logo placeholder, it would make choosing orientation and fonts much easier thanks again, dzadza
I just spoke to the client and they are very pleased with the more delicate font in Entry #9 & #10, and the purple colors in the text are on target. The gold color is on target. They are also very intrigued by your revision of the graphic. They are wondering if the following changes can be made: 1- a version like #10, keeping the text the same, but changing the background purple of the circle to a paler tone. 2- a version like #10, keeping the text the same, changing the graphic so that the purple aspects of the geometric shape are removed, leaving only the gold ring, the pale purple background color, and the 3 small gold triangles.
revision one: paler circle background I've checked - this logo will be "taller" 14px - when enlarged to 300 px in width, it will be approx 134px in height...that can be fixed ;-)
revision two - larger triangle removed, smaller changed to gold. I've also made the circle background a little darker - previous one just didn't give enough contrast for yellow triangle
Thanks for fast response time! I'll have the client take a look at revision one. I wasn't clear enough about revision two... when looking at Entry #10, the purple geometric pierces through the gold geometric, giving the appearance of 3 distinct gold triangles... client wants to explore that idea of three small triangles with purple geometric removed, leaving empty space at the center... yikes, bad explanation
oh, and I have a secret to tell you - there is no small purple triangle ;-) it's an optical illusion, really. 3 yellow triangles have hole in the middle, and the small purple triangle is actually the middle section of the larger one ;-). If you want, I can remove that middle section and we'll have a white space there sorry if I'm being confusing
done ;-) although I think it might have lost some of the effect with that middle triangle. on the other hand, maybe the client will like that one more ;-)
oh shootz.... I'm sorry... I had meant that they would like to see all of the purple geometric removed (foreground and background)... so that all that remains are the 3 gold triangles inside the gold ring, with pale purple background. like I said... bad explanation
#11 is closest, I'd like to see the gold rim a bit thinner and the lavender background a little lighter and it seems to be the improvement I was hoping for.
thank you very much for the feedback and ranking 2 logo variations - smaller outer circle, lighter circle background and different placement for the word com
Hi, I see you made the logo circle larger, and maybe it would be good a little larger, able to stand on its own without the text for some purposes. perhaps it might be interesting to see the .com in gold if that is not too small and light, and maybe the lavender background color cold be even lighter. Thank you.
larger graphic element, lighter background and the word com below the text in gold (I made that shade a bit darker than the circle one, to make the text more readable)
Congratulations on creating a successful logo for SoulBridging.com!!! The client would like to see two renderings: The winning design and The winning design minus the lavender background within the circle.
From the client: "The logo could have either white or the lavender- a shade lighter, and it would be useful to see both backgrounds. I also want to see the logo separately without the text under it."
Will you be sending vector illustrations which I can manipulate per client's requests?
First of all - thank you very much for choosing my design Of course - you'll be getting EPS file here, and if you want, I can send you illustrator and photoshop files over the e-mail. I'm always available for additional changes after we finish here - free of charge, of course I'll upload one EPS file now and one JPG (that's the limit here) and e-mail you all the rest in zip archive, if that's ok with you