Your #83 really fits well with your IV Check entry that is currently #1. I appreciate that intentionally or accidentally you have two logos which go together well - if we want to go that direction. The difficulty I am having is the profile in the droplet is a little too small and detailed - particularly if it gets used as the icon for a web site. I like the profile just fine - if it were larger, without the inner "O" circle around it and possibly getting rid of some of the shoulder. As those modifications possible and how does that work now? It used to be you could ask the designer you put as #1 to submit some additional variations.
Thanks for your further feedback. I'll provide you with one two newest entries as soon, while contact Wolv as your current #1 designer as well to talk about this further. Frankly, Wolf's greek goddess is the best character here in SOTIVIA contest. Really good in its feel. I don't mind beaten at the end by such great design :)