Thank you for your creative designs! As a piano player, I especially appreciate your use of the keyboard in designs #88 and #90.
For #88, some suggestions: 1). Please move the keyboard to the right a bit so that the plant is coming out of the dot in .org. Perhaps you could try changing the color of the dot to gray or brown. 2). Make the slogan larger and spread it across the bottom of so that it is more readable.
For #74 some suggestions: 1). Please remove the singing head coming out of the plant and have some kind of stroke or lines that the suggest the movement of music coming out of the plant with the musical notes that you have designed being the result of those "sound waves". 2). I would like to see a lighter brown used for the word "Seeds" and maybe a lighter green as well for "Song" and ".org"
I really like the modifications you made for #165 -- especially the music coming out of the plant and the re-positioning of the .org. Excellent work! Thank you. You were right. The darker brown for "Seeds" is better than lighter brown. Could you please make the following modifications?
1). Use lower case for songseeds and thicken and round the font for "song" as you did for #164. The word "seeds" can stay in the same font as you have but with the only change is making the "s" lowercase.
2). Instead of lower case for the slogan, make it read: Growing Music from the Ground Up
3). Could I see the word "song" in a couple of different colors besides green ? -- such as orange, teal, etc. I like the ".org" to match the same color of green as the sprout.