Thank you for your entry today. I apologize I am getting back to you at the end of my work day. I have been in meetings all day and finally have time to give some feedback.
First off, I really like your use of font -- especially how you have made the Seeds portion of the logo a bolder version of Song. That is a very nice touch. Second, I like your innovative placement of the .org underneath the SongSeeds. I think that works in this case.
Some adjustments I would like to see: 1). I like your placement of the guitar with roots in between the Song and Seeds of the logo. It is a lovely concept of the roots growing the guitar. I would like to expand this concept from guitar to a broader scope of music. Let's try this instead. Can you have some seeds growing into the roots that you have designed and then growing into plants that look like musical notes? 2). I think I could be comfortable with black as the color of the font for as long as the graphic was vibrant and colorful. 3). Can you work the slogan: Growing Music from the Ground Up into the design -- perhaps below the logo?
hi thanks for comment.. limited concept in this contest.. i can't explore my idea because there are designers use the that concepts ( musical notes, seed, etc ). i think you should post this comment in public comment (contest discusion) or update your brief ( part : Our Ideas and Additional Information ). i hope you understand..
I think you should feel free to explore the concept of seeds turning into notes or musical leaves. Since "seeds" is used in the name, it implies the use of seeds which should be allowed for any designer. And the fact that it is about music and songwriting, musical notes can be used by anyone.
Please feel free to use seeds, musical plants, musical notes. Because Iof the obvious nature of the imagery that is suggested by the words SongSeeds -- there will be many designs that incorporate these "common images" but only a few that do so in a way that captures my heart and attention. I do hope you will keep working with your design.
I'll put something on the public commentary that communicates what I have just wrote to you.
i just posted this announcement to all the designers. hope this helps!
Hello Wonderful Designers!
MatthewMateo here. I wanted to make a few things about the SongSeeds concept crystal clear to the public:
Please feel free to explore the concept of seeds turning into notes or musical leaves. Since "seeds" is used in the name, it implies the use of seeds which should be allowed for any designer. And the fact that it is about music and songwriting, musical notes can be used by anyone. I understand that LogoTournament is protective of a designer's ideas not being copied by other designers, and I share that philosophy. However, since we are talking about music and seeds and agricultural and ecological metaphors represented by the slogan ("Growing Music from the Ground Up"), there are design elements that should NOT be proprietary -- such as musical notation, seeds, plants, trees, etc. etc.
With that in mind, PLEASE feel free to use seeds, musical plants, musical notes, roots, soil, you name it. Due to the obvious nature of the imagery that is suggested by SongSeeds, there will be many designs that incorporate these "common images" but only a few that do so in a way that captures my heart and attention. There are many unique and inspiring ways to work with and design these images. I look forward to seeing what beautiful images you have to share with me!
I can see why you held on to Entry #20 until now. is an excellent design. I really like your emblem of the “rooted seed” that becomes a musical note. Let’s try the following adjustments to give this some more color:
1). In the circle containing the white seed, I would like you to make the “soil” around it that is currently forest green, instead an orange-brown color to represent the soil. You can use that same orange-brown color for “Seeds”.
2). The two circles around the seed are currently a lighter green. Can you experiment with making it a deep turquoise or aquamarine color? I would also like to see a version that uses your color green as you have it so that I can compare them. I wouldn’t mind seeing a lighter green for the musical notes/leaves. Something a little closer to lime green. And then the lettering for “Song” and “.org” could use the same lighter green color.
3). I would also like to see one version with the slogan: Growing Music from the Ground Up in the current position that you have it and another one with the slogan printed all the way across the bottom of so that it can be read more easily. If you want to experiment with putting the slogan in ALL CAPS as well, please feel free to do so.