Here ar emy entries for your contest. I've used elements from the Hamburg skyline, including the newly build philharmonic building. Any feedback is welcome.
Ideas comes my wishes near (sorry, its MY english). Maybe type could be not so straight, be more dynamic. Maybe the dark pink ist too strong, should be ONE color. You know? The sun is great! I like the sun.
I can read German, so if you prefer to type auf Deutsch, kein problem.
I've used the same font as facebook, I will be uploading new the design with new fonts and colro variations. Do you have any examples of fonts that you like?
Thanks for your feedback, I did some work on the font and concentrated on a different graphic; the crest of Hamburg. I've kept in the sun that you liked.
Ok, i love that heart from Entry #123 The sun here is not important. Could be smaller. I love that orange from #150" Please, if you can, trey to give the heart the hamburg red (2. from The black outline of type is to strong, should have other color, white and shaddows, something much friendlier.