It is an interesting idea. Can you make it so I don't see the end of the upper half of the S on top of the T? I like how the two letter shapes interact, I'd like it even subtler.
Thanks for feedback!
Of course, and I was ready with my revision.
But only the 1st ranked designer will be able to submit entries. Hopefully this helps. Thanks
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Let me know what you think! Thanks
Of course, and I was ready with my revision.
But only the 1st ranked designer will be able to submit entries. Hopefully this helps. Thanks
We don't like the $ effect, it's not appropriate (we don't work with dollars).
So also the two color effect doesn't work anymore.
If you want to submit some ideas that elaborates on this one, the contest is still open
The new payoff is:
Il primo servizio per pagare meno tasse
You can put it as it is or ALL CAPITALS, up to you.