Sevi, I like your entry #17! I explained in my latest comments to everyone why I like it so much. Please read that. My complements to you really.
One important thing is now missing and I need you to fix it please: The current slogan does not fit the logo. Lets change the slogan to say this instead: " Stop Searching And Save Time"
Hi Sevi, As you may know the admin has decided to withdraw dnk's design from the competition. The allegation is that he has been trying to copy you but I believe he was just following my direction like many other contestants.
As of right now, I believe his design is the only winner so I would like to ask you to see if you are willing to split the price with him so we can all be somewhat happy with the results. Could you please kindly let me know as soon as possible?
joey ........................ I need to explain here logo court decided that the 90% entry wrote in use by dnk is purely my idea, and initially you only want where a sense of satisfaction as it was portrayed as we can save time I give you entry # 16 and # 17 and you give information detail in the general comments of the timer clock with pictoral happy man hand over the other and it all starts from the entry # 17 ................... you never told dnk or anyone for that .......... and if someone put a reverensi entry # 17 I call him a thief logo / idea ..............
in deference to you as a client LT and your decision to dnk want entry I decided to accept the offer share with dnk provided $ 200 for me and the rest dnk because I who gave you the idea to simply copy and its dnk without ever using the brain to look for what the want by clint ............. I think it fair to an idea that has been in stolen by dnk ................. sevi
Lets not argue about this because we are running out of time my friend. Lets try to solve this problem. I will take your offer to dnk to see if he accepts. If he does not accept all three of us will get nothing! Because if I dont get dnk's logo I will cancel my payment through my credit card company which means you and dnk will receive $0.
I am sure you dont want that so please lets work out a resolution. I suggest you accept $150 because it is much better than $0. Do you agree?