#5 - The colors, font and shading are very nice. We like that "solo" and "preneur" are distinctly different by the color usage. We like how you placed the .com and the tag line. The symbol has good potential. It appears to be a solo person with it's arms wrapped around something. We want the focus to be on many solopreneurs being united, instead of just one solopreneur by themself. Is there a way you can portray this in the symbol?
#9 - Thx for making the additions. We're just not sure about the symbol part still. We really like the solopreneur part of the logo. You are really talented. Can you create a different symbol that represents people being unified, empowerment and a positive lifestyle?
#201 - This is a nice design--it looks good with more white space between the parts-we'd like to see even more white space. We like the purple in the symbol, but we'd like to see what it would look like to have the blue go further around the curve, before it becomes purple.
#205 - We like that this design has more white space. The curved edges look nice. We'd like to see what it looks like to fill the center of the "p"s back in and round off the edges of the ends of the "s".