Dear CH, I am very glad, that you like my idea best. But I want to remind you, that you can always leave me some feedback and stuff to work on, so your logo can be perfect in your eyes! I think, that our last mutual relationship in your previous contest here, the electronic cigarettes one, was very productive and there is no reason that it can't be productive again. Please share your thoughts!
Hi Artistic, we need a pure website-logo. So think about a box of 350x85 px and try to fill out this space as good as possible. #3 would need for instance more or less a square whereas #4 is probably a bit to flat. See what I mean? What I like best at #4 is the simplicity. Still - we could discuss about the shades and the contrast in general. Go 5 steps away from your 21"-screen. Is the logo still readable? All the best - MK
Hey! How about #1 with a 90° turn to the right. Then the solar panels will be at the bottom, the sun above and then maybe some beams of sunlight in a way that a crown magically appears?! Just a thought ;-)
Hey Artistic, You are - again - in the finals. Let's make it this time! ;-) We had a long and intensive team discussion. This is the explanation, why #106 with the crown above a field of solar panels moved up to No.2 Your design will also make a very good favicon, better than the competitor's.
But with all the other designs in comparison, the team found here and there elements we all really liked. Combinded with your idea it should be perfect!!
- the crown's color is a bit too light especially at the bottom. The color of #66 fits better - the solar panel's color could be a bit darker as well. See the blue of #155 - can you please place the crown left of the wiriting? - with the new, darker colors, the writing can be colorful as well. "Solar" in yellow, "Prinz" in darkblue is perfect - in general, I am not a fan of the italic/cursive font. I think the perfect font has style #178 (Font name is "Good Times"). The capital letters are nice, an it looks a bit like SiFi..
Hi, marcus. All the things are ready for you to review, but the contest is now in judging mode, which means, that only the first ranked designer can submit new entries. In order to do that, you have to move me for a few minutes up in 1st, so I can upload what I have for you, and then you can put the designs you want the way you like. :)
I've added extra spacing between the elements here, so it can be better implemented as a favicon. When smaller, spaces tend to blend. I think this one should be best for favicon.