# 45: Interesting in it's simplicy and clarity. The text would have to be in Norwegian: Yogaundervisning Yogamassasje, alternatively undervisning & massasje : could other colors work? Very warm now which is also now. Too warm?
# 46 og 47: Fun, I like the idea here. But a little big, too many bubbles? Could a spiral symbol be integrated (only a few circles - representing moving towards yourself)
Thank you for the comments! I just made one more solution in softer colors, and I will work on your suggestions in the evening as I have to sign off for a few ours! If you have any other suggestion let me know!
Hey Yeya, thanks - so many nice ideas! # 78: The spiral here is one that I like very much. I do prefer the simpler images to the more complex ones, and the text being on the side somehow as opposed to the below. The sun around the spiral makes it a bit heavy - could the spiral be used on it's own? Or in a less "heavy" representation. #85: I also like the spiral here in the right corner - it's light and beautiful. But too much other stuff going on - I'm fond of the bubbles/circles, but it's a little too busy still. # 45: this probably still works best of those with this image. How would it look with the subtext in Norwegian, and maybe in another color, turquoise or blue...?
Thank you for the feedback and suggestions. I made more color options for the design. There are a few with only one color, and a few more ideas with abstract shapes inside the circle. You may find it busy, but I wanted to show those ideas too. Two solutions are the basic color circle with lighter and darker tones. I added the tagline in Norwegian and tried different layouts and fonts. I hope you like some of the new additions, and if you would like to see more solutions, please let me know!
Hi, thanks a lot for more entries and colors! It's becoming increasingly hard... I 'm drawn to those with less elements I think - although # 70 and 109 also work well with the mix of colors here. # 109: I like the turquoise option here and the way it contrasts to the orange. How would the logo look with only this turquoise? # 70: I also like the spiral and green color. Could you do a version only in green, with the spiral? And with subtext. In general: It's best when the subtext stand out a little, that its color makes the text catch the eye.
# 109: I'm noticing that the color combination makes the logo really stand out: But the sub text is crammed, could this become more clear, stand out a little more with the rest?
Thank you for your comments. I made more options based on the suggestions. Different color combinations and more font and color options for the tagline, as well as a few different layouts of the text. Any combination can be made with these elements, so let me know if you would like to any other option or variation.
Thanks Yeya, so many nice ones, and I think it says something about the design that it can carry so many different color combinations. Very simple but cool. Much to think about now, so no other comments at the moment.