# 13: A very beautiful image, and colors. Perhaps a little too feminine/girly/young? (this emphasized by the female under the tree). The symbols in green and blue under the tree are very nice - representing (to me) moving toward yourself. Much used in the yoga world, but the way you have included them here work really well. Not sure about the placement of the text, could it be on the side? Not sure about the fonts, but like it being clean cut, light. I like the idea of a subtext. It will have to be a Norwegian text though, e.g. Undervisning og massasje, or Yogaundervisning, yogamassasje. Am wondering about the brown text, could other slightly more fresh colors work? Brown (unless it's black?) is the one color I do not feel at home with.
Wow, a lot of beauty here! # 23: Very nice touch, I like it's lightness and the colors. I also like the color purple a lot (may not have mentioned in the brief), might that be used in this design somehow? # 19: I think the text on the side works well. Would it work also in small cases, like in # 23? # 20: the color combinations are nice, - bright, but like the one in #19 too.. hm # 22 and 21 - I like them, but don't think they're right for me. I do love the symbols in green and blue as mentioned (as in no 19), any other way of playing with these?
# 24: great colors! And see that the text yogaundervisning yogamassasje works slightly better than when yoga is left out. Might this design work with small letters, like in # 23. It had a beautiful lightness to it.
# 25: nice. Interesting with no capital letters at all, brings harmony # 26: Hm, I guess too much purple. It seems the blue and green combo, and orange and blue combo, bring more calm to the logo # 27: interesting, but maybe too busy. I think the "tightness" of the # 25 and # 19 logo types work slightly better # 28: More classic, - I find the others more interesting and fresh.
I'm drawn to the image of the tree representing growth, roots, rootedness, and the person being part of it. It's got a lot a lot of life, which is what I hope to bring out in people through yoga. The crisp green and deep blue in # 24 tree works well too.
# 24: How with this work using the warm colors of # 23? As it is it's very feminine. Coud it be given a more "unisex" expression? I'm feminine, but hope to appeal to a range of people, men, women, young, old, different cultural backgrounds. #19: Am curious if the circular symbols (in green and blue here) could be integrated in the logo in a more explisit way (not with the tree)
# 53: I like the top spiral a lot, and think that the simpler the better (only one spiral). I also prefer the circle being on the side, like in # 57. I like many of the others, but for my purpose they work less well - I' realizing that a clean cut, light and "strict" more than "ritch" works better for me. ## 66: interesting too, different!
Hi again, some more comments on designs I'm interested in: #90: I like this a lot. But it's a little faint in the colors in the name, might other colors make it stand out more? I do like the blue in # 24 a lot. It would be good if also the sub text could be more visible. # 24 and # 25: Still very fond of these too. After some thinking I think I prefer the purple to the read version (in the figure, # 52). I think I prefer the logo with all letters in big cases, and that the subtext is clear and easy to read (as in # 25). How would it look if the subtext in # 24 is also in blue? # 27: Becoming curious about this too! Without the bird and capital letters? Thank you so far for so many great logos to consider!
Thanks for new entries - # 118: I think # 90 worked better with the clean blue circle around the spiral - that was really great, the way the colors are contrasting. I would like to pursue # 90 but only with other color combinations. Have seen so much orange and yellow the last couple of days, and think it's nice to explore other colors - so the sun imagery is not so obvious. The crisp green and deep blue are colors I keep coming back to. But they way the subtext stand out on # 118 works well,
Hi Anna, thanks! Yes, # 123 was more what I had in mind. But # 90 comes across as more harmonious. I think # 90 would stand out a little more with blue subtext. Just like # 123 might work even better with a green or blue text. Am going a little colorblind now, much to think about! But this is a very nice design. # 122 looks even nicer now with the blue subtext. # 121 also.
Thanks! Still wish to explore # 122 a little more. With all small letters to the right of the tree, with space in between the letters? The color of the letters being either green (as now) or blue (as the figure).
Hi Anna, # 122 is still with me as a major favourite. I know the colors can be changed later, but would be curious to see # 121 (purple version) with the same slightly faint color in the bottom of the figure as in # 122. This seems to be what separates the two, producing slightly different expressions. Sol