Conversation bubble with a simple "S"...this is in line with the web simplicity and recognition of facebook, twitter etc...less is best in social media.
Thank you for your enties. I really like how you explained all your designs. I feel that you are truly grasping the social concept. One of my favorite parts is how you seperate "Socia" and "tizing". This really makes the point that it is social advertising. I also liked entries 34, and 36, however, I don't care for the grey. I would like to make one request, I'm not sure if I'm going to like it, but can I see entry #32 with the people different colors?
Kathrine - Thanks. I will check in and out throughout you contest and make additional entries as well. I did withdraw my #34 as I felt it was to similar to Farfis' that is currently ranked 1st. I did not want to infringe on his design.
Here is the design with the added colors that you requested. Still keep in mind that I am going for that "social" media look that you see in the big social networks, but only this time with more color....
I have extended my contest by a few days. The purpose of this is to allow time for a few more last minute ideas. I have a lot of great designs that reflect the "Social" concept, but I would like to see a few more that reflect the advertising concept. I just wanted to write you this since I appreciated your participation and would greatly appreciate any more ideas you may have.