We really like how you're working but we really would like you to try another idea. As we are targeting small businesses, could you please add in a logo a "small business icon", like this one: https://s-static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v1/yW/r/I8DKWmU5vtM.png (the one in the middle).
In this example, we like the "effect", this kind of "substance". Thank you
number 24, hello could you please make a test with only one screen instead of 3. for the colours, use those of the number 42 the blue screen has to be reoriented, facing the logo and not the other side
90 is much better, but maybe put the triangle at the other side of the message box. could you also do a test with the "o" of social and the "o" of com made as message boxes? thank you in advacn,e
By the way, once these changes are done, can you please try with a lighter blue like the one of the #24 (and some others if you can). Can you also try different shades/color scales? (always with the blue, but lighter than the one now).