Entry # 1: is interesting but it doesnt bring the 121 out enough Entry #2: When I look at it it feels a bit like a sports bar. I need a more upscale look
Entry 13 - I still think we can do better with the numbers. I really likie this one. Look at some of our examples on how the numbers worked in the circle.
Give me som more font looks of the treatment of the numbers in the O. I like this but the numbers just arent right .Your giving me some great stuff... also through some completely new ideas out there too.
Entry 8 Space the letters of social out more. dont bring the 2 down any lower than you have, bring eat drink love at the bottom like you did in Entry 17
look at Entry 11 --- That's the flow I want --- 121 in a circle w/ Social, can you make the Circle & 121 Bigger than the word social --- also for the numbers use the font from entry 7
Entry 100 - I really like the way you treated the crossed over o & c. Build on that. Look at at my top 5 ranked entries and build those ideas with your O C cross over. I don't care for the current treatment of the 121 of this version. give me some other ideas, I like the direction of this one
Entry 131 - I like this one I would like to see this one with space between social & 121 I think they are too close together. Also try that with the eat drink love vertical like Entry 132
Entry 147 - This is my favorite. Can you give me a few other versions. I would like to see one where all of the fonts are a bit thicker ( I like the font style just a bit thicker. I would like to see a treatment with the eat drink love under Social, leave the 121 right where it is in the circle
Entry 170 - I like your original submission of the treatment of 147 better on the font size. Give me this one withe the eat drink love on the bottom of Entry 147. Nice work...your #1
Entry 182 - Great design, you might have the winner. I like everything about it. Can you give me some various colors for the circle (including black) I want to see how it looks in different colors - Great Job.
Your still leading the pack. Nice work and thank you for all the revisions.
Entry 182 - Still raned number 1. I would like to see the eat drink love in lower case Look at Entry 193 for an example. The e should be lined up left justtified under the outside of the O in social. I like the light blue but can you five me some softer tones on the cirle in other colors. If the color is too dark the eye goes to 121 and I want it to go to Social first. I like the brown but its too dark 189.
Entry 198 - I like everything about this one. I think its the one. I would like to see some more colors for the circle. I really like the one you have but would like to see some other color options.