I really like this guy and thank you for placing the soapy joe's in different locations . . Can you post on of him smiling and also one of just the lettering . . we arent totally sold on the barbarian looking guy - we're definitely interested in just lettering also! Thank you for your entry!
The bossman looked at the postings today . . Wants to see you make the guy not look like he's drunk and to change the font to different colors . . an orange one, yellow one, pink one, etc. . .
Dear CH Thanks for your feed back. I try to change a guy character may be like not drunk. May be my new entry #55, #56, #57, #58 and #59 you love it. With difference color in the font. Best Regards Erwin72
Dear CH I make a change or variation for #53, my new entry #65, #66, #67 and #68, I make variation....Guy smile with 2 hair model and I hope you and your both partner love it with my new entry. Best Regards Erwin72
okay - we're working with #53 - here are the changes that would make him i would loooooove to see him!
give him happy eyes - rather than surprised eyes . . maybe even a wink eyebrows that aren't so bold! just tone them down a bit sharper more defined beard and a big smile
This is my new entry #80 and #81, I make change the eyes, smile and 2 alt beard may be this guy look surprise with happy face big smile good beard......I hope you love it. I was enjoy in your contest.....cheeer Best Regards Erwin72