Yes i can review my design, and try to submit more designs. Here in Portugal is morning i will be working until night. When i arrive home i can work on more concepts and submit revisions. I will just ask you if you can put me 1st when i arrive home, because only 1st ranked desinger can submit desings in this phase of the contest.
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I´m gladyou like my logo concept.
Thank you very much for the great feedback.
Yes i can review my design, and try to submit more designs. Here in Portugal is morning i will be working until night. When i arrive home i can work on more concepts and submit revisions. I will just ask you if you can put me 1st when i arrive home, because only 1st ranked desinger can submit desings in this phase of the contest.
Anything else you may need feel free to ask.
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,