I think we can leave it for $ 200, you will receive the logo that you liked, with all the variants of colors and proposals, in the formats you need, I can make adaptations and applications in your vehicles, shirts, social networks, etc, everything that you need for that price, let me know if you agree, thank you very much in advance.
Hello, thank you for writing to me, yes, I understand you perfectly, there is no problem with that, and yes, it would be a pleasure to work with you one by one, it is a matter of agreeing on the prices and the additional things you need, do not hesitate to write in case you have doubts or questions, have a happy day, God bless you.
n this proposal I enlarged the icon in the middle to add a world globe, I also modified the sprinkler so that both elements would be appreciated well, I also improved the colors of the symbol, thank you for your time and patience, God bless you.
Good morning, here I give you 2 more proposals, a different vision from the main idea, anything you don't like can be modified immediately, have a great day, God bless you.
I must say that it looks great, it works very well, likewise if you choose this, you can also use black as a special application in the future, anything here I am attentive, thanks for your time.
Here is the proposal that incorporates blue and green, representing water and grass, also soften the black color so that it is not so strong, keep in mind that this image makes your brand modern, cleaner, professional, it is fresh and demonstrates reliability, the idea of looking for a new logo is to do new things, "if you want different results, do things differently", have a nice day.
Good morning, if you wish, we can do a test using blue and green in the icon in the center, that way it will represent water and grass, I will be attentive to your comments, thank you very much.
This is a much cleaner proposal, and incorporating the sprinkler like the plant, and applying all the modern colors and effects, I think it works very well, imagine it stamped on your vehicles and on your uniforms, I hope you like it, thank you very much for your time and patience, I do my best for you, God bless you.
Hello, a pleasure to work with you, I explain what I did, as you mentioned in the brief, I placed the earth, the plant and water falling on it, using only blue, green and orange, note that the shape of the logo as such is a drop of water, in the lower part I placed a sprinkler, any change you need can be made immediately, I will be aware of your messages, thank you very much, happy day, God bless you.
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nothing additional needed. Just the color options you have already submitted.
I would still like to work with you one on one and purchase your logo if that is something you would be interested in.
Can we do the text and outline in a darker blue than last time. Not sure if I like the black.
Then maybe we can look at different fonts.