Thank You for the positive feedback.
I've made the requested changes around the build with dots and uploaded to #207#208.
Based on the LogoTournament rules: I cannot put lines around the bulb because I didn't have that lines design on the blind phase and The lines around object is the property of another designer has on your contest.
If you really want lines around my bulb, You could contact admin to split the prize between me and the designer who has lines art. Then I could put the lines around it.
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Thank You for the positive feedback.
I've made the requested changes around the build with dots and uploaded to #207 #208.
Based on the LogoTournament rules: I cannot put lines around the bulb because I didn't have that lines design on the blind phase and The lines around object is the property of another designer has on your contest.
If you really want lines around my bulb, You could contact admin to split the prize between me and the designer who has lines art. Then I could put the lines around it.
Thanks again and kind regards.