We discussed the design today ... nice, but a little cartoonish for the company. Please continue the concept, but use evergreen trees and a more professional-looking font.
Reviewed your portfolio - very nice. We're looking for something more along the lines of Laura Lake or Pittsburgh as far as the feel of the font; again, evergreen trees in the word 'Slavic' - perhaps where the l or a are located, using the renewable icon - all good.
Why don't you try a version with the trees and 'Slavic' both contained within the renewable resources icon circle. Perhaps one, two, or a few of the Slavic letters could be part of the scene, or could be trees - something creative like that. I am no logo designer, but I think you'd probably come up with a couple of really good designs like that. Then, the renewable resources could still be written on the 'renewable resources icon circle - and the whole logo would be a little more condensed.
Really like the new font styles better - could even try a slightly different font, but with the same professional look. The trees are much better. Thanks for the excellent effort.
You might try making the logo look like a plaque - where the entire forest fills the circle, and the Slavic letters are 'sandblasted' into
Currently, Entry #13 is in the lead. Can you please find 'Pine Trees' for use in the logo ? The company uses Pine Trees specifically, and the company owner would like to know if you could find and use this type of tree in the logo ... thanks.