we definitely do not like the creature with the wings. however, we like the logo type on #36 and would like to see it alone. There might be something cool about a curve or arc or a the outline of a cloud above the logo type of #36.
#38, we like the shape of the "SV" and would like to see it bigger but without the black and silver, and try and frame it in a blue circle. Try angling it 15 degrees counter clockwise for variation.
#40 and #39, we like the "sky" text but feel like the "vu" is lost too much. we like the color combo that's happening in #39. The swiggly S shape in both caught our eye and it's playful but we're not sure how it relates to games and entertainment. but there might be something there if explored further.
#131 and #132, we don't like the SV icon but we do like the type of SkyVu and how you made it work with ENTERTAINMENT. So please make a version with just the text and less gradient to ensure it works as a solid logo. Thanks!
52 is high on the list because it is one of the only entries received that is a stand alone and self contained. i could see it working well in conjunction with a full abstract mark.
We like the way #52 looks as an icon of sorts. We are interested in seeing how it could work with a nice Typeface under neath it that kind of matches. The style of text inside the circle can change if need be for continuity with the typeface underneath.
I personally like your #372. Our biggest problem with it is that the S and the V in the circle do not match the logo text underneath, which we DO like. Is it worth trying the circle idea with S and the V that are in the Logo text underneath? I like how the letters run off the side. I like how they connect. I like how it essentially separates the circle in to two pieces.
please try making another version of #380 but with no extended wings on the circle icon, then tilt the icon at the same angle as #381. Try making ENTERTAINMENT straight without the angled italics. Then just make the icon & logo type all white on an all black background.
I think the changes requested on the designs #381 and #382 will be resulting #380, it's just variations and still be a part of the whole design at end. Let me know your thought.
wow. good job. one more thing, could you increase the negative space in between the leg of the y and the body of the y. just slightly. it looks too tight. i hope this makes sense.
nice revisions. the rounded square is really interesting and applies to our work very well. i'd like to see that icon alone and not tilted to see how well it might look as an actual app icon.
also, would like to see how #415 and #416 look as white on black bg and all black on white bg.
i still think the bottom of the "y" is too close and tight to the rest of the Y.
we've extended the contest to give u more time to refine the design. i like the new logo type revisions you made in #420 and #421. can you add that logo type to all the circle SV versions that are ranked? and also make a black on white, and white on black versions with the circle SV.
our team is reviewing now and will send over additional notes shortly.
I can't do anything for you before this contest is officially over, If there are things you want to discuss, revise or adjust, I'm ready to do so. Thank you!