I like the direction you are going with images of random stuff (459, 491, 494)...but neither of these really compliment our company well. But keep thinking in those terms.Space, constellations, Eye + Sky: These are just the first things coming to mind.
#496 - That's not bad. But we already have a lot of options that are circles and squares that we like. We want to see some stuff that is not contained in a circle or any shape. No container. Neither the squirrel or the incubator had a container, just the shape of the subject...which we like. We want to see some stuff along that route. A lot of game developer companies go that route. We want the outlining shape of our logo image to be different. It creates a kind of subtle shock when seeing a bunch of logos at once (like at a trade show or in any case where we partner with other companies and our logo would share the same space as them). We want our logo to stand out in situations like that. We feel that is what pulls people in to the logo and creates interest before people even notice what the image is.
#505 has a nice balance to it - #503 is too left heavy.
you don't need to make an edgy eye try out different expressions and symmetry - also try to avoid the nike swoosh in the eyebrow.
that said i like the colors and i think it will work without them.
#499 has stars but i think the circle and their size kills the emphasis. you don't need to mimic a full star field or a perfect zodiac/constellation - you can try and be more abstract or minimal about it.