#71 you might be on to something with the shield! But we are not sure about the hard angles inside the shield. it reads more division than connecting players. the typeface is a bit too rigid.
i know things are wrapping up, but coming back from the weekend to see your design has been awesome. it says something about our company while still being simple and classy and holds many traits nobody else has gotten.
currently we are leaning towards the one cloud version - mainly because it reads better small, but i really appreciate the hidden "S" and "V".
here are a few alternates we would like to see -
try out the double cloud version but with a smaller lower cloud.
double cloud version with a smaller lower cloud and bring the upper cloud out of the frame with an outline (so it looks like the upper cloud is coming through the window)
we would also be open to simpler cloud designs. we don't want an icloud copy, but reducing the bumps may help.
we like the simple single cloud the best. both the solid square and the gradient square work. i'd also like to see a version with tightly rounded corners for the square (to elude to the fact that we produce mobile games & apps).
another version of the icon with 3 beams/dashes coming from the top right corner of the cloud might be neat. it would feel like sunshine is behind the cloud which would symbolize new ideas.
we'd be interested to see a different logo types. the current logo type in #585 is strong but perhaps too strong and we don't like the 'Y' shape. Although we do like how you fit ENTERTAINMENT into the logo type.
I can provide all the variations you might want. It has that unique icon that can be used alone once it gets known. It will also make for an interesting animation, have the cloud fly from inside the window.
I can try flipping the window to see if you like that even more or any other modifications you have. Small world, I grew up in Granger, Indiana - just a bike ride away from Notre Dame.