Skynet Property ManagementLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Skynet Property Management

Skynet Property Management has selected their winning logo design.

For $575 they received 216 designs from 31 different designers from around the world.


































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We think this has some real potential!

Possibly combine the fancy S with the name? Add something so it "shoots through" the name to add some movement and dimension?

Colors are a bit stark. Let's see some different make ups.

Maybe different ways to use the net as background or in logo?
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok I have been slightly revised it, please feedback if there are other ideas from you
13 years ago
You have the right concept for what we are interested in. Can you give the "S" sphere more of a 3D effect? Can you forward several options showing the following variations: different color schemes, having a line shoot of from the sphere through KYNET, perhaps having a net falling out of SKYNET that covers property management. Also, can you make the skynet font different and show some variations, maybe more depth to the letters?
13 years ago
This is cool. Can you show some other color and font variations. What would be a sharp way to cast a net over the property management?
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks, sure, I'll provide more variations :)
13 years ago
#38, 40, 49
Can you make the "S" in the sphere more pronouced, so there is no confusion and people call us KYNET? We like the blue and grey from #38, this is cool. Please use blue and grey for #40 & 49 along with fixing the "S".

Here is another concept we are kicking around: using your concepts from 38,40,&49, can you incorporate a city skyline some how with a net? Use your imagination. Good work.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
OK :)
13 years ago
very cool. try this with the blue and grey like #38. What other variations do you have the the "S" and the sphere? Dont forget to try to skyline idea. Nice.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
here is, #52
13 years ago
Can you make the "S" more pronounced so we do not get confused with KYNET? Also, try a few variations with the city skyline. Can the skyline come out of the top of the letters?

Symbol - We like the "S" from #51. Can you come up with a few more variations to the S-sphere?

Can you do this in the same colors as #38?

Can you do this in the same colors as #38?

13 years ago
Can you put the "S" on the same slant as the KYNET?

Is there a middle ground between the 2 "S" spheres that you have proposed?

Nice work
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is the revisions for the city skyline #57
13 years ago
Logo Designer
revisions for #55 , here is #58 :)
13 years ago
This is a little too busy. We would like to lettermark as part of the wordmark like you had before, you just need to tweek the "S" sphere so the S is more recognizable. Please see my comment for #55.
13 years ago
Can you rotate the sphere about 5-10 degrees counter-clockwise, so the sphere is on the same slant as the rest of the word? I'm going to leave work in about an hour, so if I stop responding please look through all the comments we had back and forth and forward as many variations as you like. You have been coming up with cool stuff.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
OK, is the "net" in right of the city skyline in #52 still need to be used?
13 years ago
I think the net idea is good in the right of the skyline. You have to find the balance between keeping the overall design simple while making it sharp / punctuated. The main thing is working out a "middle of the road" idea for the "S" sphere. It is best to use it as part of the skynet word and not have it look like kynet.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear CH, here is #59
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear CH, its 3 AM in indonesia now, I need to rest for a while and wait your next feedback :)
see you tomorrow

best regards,
Chris :)
13 years ago
This is good, but still not sure about the "S". I like keeping it the perfect sphere, 3D. Entry #38 is really good, but we need to make the "S" more pronounced so there is no doubt it is part of the name. Sleep on it and forward some ideas tomorrow. I will be working. The main thing is finding a compromise between the 2 different "S" spheres you have proposed.

#58 - I meant to suggest rotating the "S" clockwise about 5 degrees so it matches kynet's angle.

Skyline idea - can you make the skyline come out of the tops of the letters without making it too busy? maybe lite shaded buildings while keeping the letters more pronounced.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
next revisions : #60 , #61 , #62
13 years ago
#62 & #38
Can you make the S look more like an S? The middle of the S is defined, but the top and bottom could be defined a little more. Thanks
13 years ago
Logo Designer
#72 & #73
13 years ago
Can we mirror the skyline so the angled bldg is on the right and line the net up with the top of the angled building.
Take off the catwalk and one of the buildings on the Left.
Feel free to stretch out the skyline if you think it is needed. We are just thinking to simplify the skyline.
The "S" for Skynet looks good just needs to be more pronounced. Can we try enclosing the blue circle around the "S".

13 years ago
Logo Designer
13 years ago

Skyline and Net look great :)
Can you mirror just the skyline and net?
So the skyline is above the word "SKY" in SKYNET. The short building should end up on the left and the net's fade out on the right. (similar to how you had it in #72 and #59)

Also, use the same "S" in #59 but continue the blue background and white letters to the "S", "K" and "Y".

13 years ago
Logo Designer
#78 , #79
13 years ago

I think we are definitely on the right path.

In the word "SKYNET" - Let's get rid of the white gap between the BLUE and the "N".
Have the blue run all the way to the "N".
Try running the through the horizontal center of word "NET" instead of the gray.

Stretch the skyline to the left so the left edge of the building is in line with the dark blue tip of the "S" in Skynet. You want to add some white space between the first two buildings on the left.

Change the color of the net to gray.

I know some changes were made over the weekend to the "S" in SKYNET but can you reset it back to the same font / angle as the rest of the letters.

13 years ago
Logo Designer
I try to describe your directions, here is #80 and #81 :)
13 years ago
Yeah it would be nice if we could draw out our changes instead of only being able to type :(

I think #80 is looking good.

Question... Is the "S" in SKYNET at a different angle than the rest of the letters? Or do you think the negative space is cause the distortion?

Can we line up the transition lines vertically? So the transition from Blue to Gray in the skyline lines up vertically with the transition from Blue to Gray in the word "SKYNET". The left side of the skyline is in a perfect position. :)

It's midnight here so I have to get some sleep. I'll check back first thing in the morning.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
[B]the S in #80 is in different angle than the rest of the letters[/B]

here is #85
13 years ago

I uploaded a PDF showing the changes listed below - Hopefully it will help.

1st - Close the gap at the top of the "S"

2nd - Close in the bottom of the letters "S", "K" & "Y"

13 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks, its really helpful :)

I'm working on it now
13 years ago
Logo Designer
here is #91 :)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
or #92
13 years ago


Let me get some feedback from everyone else and we'll go from there.

13 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks, glad to hear that :)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear CH, could you kindly withdraw your attachements just to prevent misunderstanding between us designers? Thanks in advance :)
13 years ago
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