Hello ketut - I'd like to thank you for putting forth such a big effort towards my contest brief! Very much appreciated! Here's the general theme that I noticed that I'd like to see changed and then I'll be more specific.
The big font all have a bit of 'reflection' or a gloss to the font, which I'm not too keen about. This is seen in entries except for #14, #15 and #30.
Specific Feedback:
#25 - I like this logo, but again would like to see the gloss removed from the font. I would like to see the font changed as well if possible.
#26 - A bit too busy with the background. Would like to see a bit less on this logo.
#14 - I really like this design. I like the cloud background that you have, but I haven't ranked it very well because of the mountains you have in the logo. We are not remotely close to any mountains, so it doesn't quite make sense. I'd like to see this logo developed a little more with no mountains.
#17 - I feel like I need to squint when looking at this. It's a bit much with the size of the font and the brightness from the gloss.
#20 - Again, a bit much happening here.
#30 - I like this logo because there is no gloss, however I ranked it poorly because it's b&w.
#22 & #23 - Again, a bit busy and the mountains.....
#15 - I do like this logo, but again the mountains. Great job on this one though.
#27 - I appreciate your efforts here by including the Palmetto tree. Our trees are a bit different than this and instead of giving the Carolina feel with the state tree, it feels a little too tropical.
On the whole, an excellent effort and I appreciate all the time you have spent submitting to my contest brief. I look forward to seeing these tweeked a bit more.