Hello BusinessBuilders - Thank you for making a great start. I very much like what you have done, but would like to see a few revisions if possible. I'd like to see some variations of font. I like how clean the 'Canopy Week' is to look at - clear as day assuredly, but, I think could look a little more like 'action.' I do not like the skydive carolina font very much. It's a bit small and understated. Otherwise, clean and easy and a very good start! Thank you for taking the time to work on my contest!
Hi Carol - this is looking much better! Can you try a slight variation on this for me? Might the color of the first parachute be red instead of blue as you've done with entry #65?
Also Carol - can we have a small variation on the font for Skydive Carolina. This may sound funny, but I don't like the 'y' too much. Can we try something slightly different?
Carol - thank you for the revisions. This is great and many thanks! I have you ranked third in my rankings as there is a design that I currently prefer. If you have any other ideas, I'd love to see them! Many thanks for your efforts so far! I know you're busy with other things with your business, so I appreciate the time put in thusfar.