Jordan's Slender SyrupsLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Jordan's Slender Syrups Jordan's Slender Syrups has selected their winning logo design. For $275 they received 73 designs from 15 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by 2BCreative Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 10th #72 Withdrawn New #15 Withdrawn New #71 Withdrawn New #70 Withdrawn New #69 Withdrawn New #68 Withdrawn New #67 Withdrawn New #66 Withdrawn New #65 Withdrawn New #64 Withdrawn New #63 Withdrawn New #62 Withdrawn New #61 Withdrawn New #60 Withdrawn New #59 Withdrawn New #58 Withdrawn New #16 Discussion 2BCreative Logo Designer Thank you for considering my work I've upload several variations.Though you have not made a final decision I can make any edits you like to see before finalizing the contest. Just let le me know and I'll have the edits uploaded in a timely fashion.Scott 12 years ago