You're more on the right track then others, but still not quite there. I like how you made the text "skilled set" different. Its not a traditional font.
Hi Sir! I have update the revision as per your request and used switched the font from non traditional to traditional by developing the IDEA of i-L-L as walls and E as floors . Hope you like it.Your feedback will help me to serve you my best.
Hi Sir! I have update the revision as per your request and also with another revision of fonts. Hope you like it! If you need any changes feel free to ask.
Hi Sir! I have update the revision as exact as entry #7 in the lines of entry #17 - for entry #27 and entry #28 - the difference between the two is kerning between the letters (space).Your feedback will help to serve you my best.
Looks great. I have re-ranked again. Off the top of my head I can't think of anything that would make your designs better but that's because im not very artistic...maybe some different colors just to see them? I look forward to seeing more designs come through. Thanks
Thanks for ranking and feedback sir! I will show you various color options sooner to make that perfect and you will get the best .catch you sooner with the changes.
Hi Sir! I have update the revision check entry #95 - the same concept just use the ILL to make as room walls.Hope you like it! Your feedback will help me to serve you my best.
Thank you again SO much for your entries, I REALLY liked entry #100 but unfortunately I have to go with another entry as my winner. Its because I have to allow potential clients to easily read the logo within the first few seconds of seeing it...If that was not so important to me I would have picked yours. You did great, thanks for participating.