SkiGeniusLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / SkiGenius SkiGenius has selected their winning logo design. For $425 they received 177 designs from 26 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by sopporo Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn New #114 Withdrawn New #113 Withdrawn New #95 Withdrawn New #82 Withdrawn New #81 Withdrawn New #80 Withdrawn New #79 Withdrawn New #53 Withdrawn New #52 Withdrawn New #36 Withdrawn New #31 Discussion sopporo Logo Designer playing the letter of 'SG' configurable with mountain and ski trackThank you, 10 years ago m4dyoel Client looks good, could i see what it looks like in all lower-case letters?thanks! 10 years ago m4dyoel Client #36 is great - would like to see different icon options instead of the current one 10 years ago sopporo Logo Designer OK, I'll tryThanks, 10 years ago m4dyoel Client #52 love the font, but the lightbulb makes it not very clear that it says genius. find someway to incorperate a mountain illustration in there possibly 10 years ago m4dyoel Client #36 with a simple mountain illustration would look great 10 years ago