Thank you very much for your work. To optimise your logo i have some small ideas. Is it somehow possible to use following liks of the mountains as silouhette? the important thing is the hole next to the top of the mountain. There could enter te yellow sun from the backside of the logo. more informtaions you can find unter : Martinsloch on the searchengine Google.
More i kindly ask if it is posible to include the Name of the vilage where is our cottage. The name is: "ELM". just that the name is visible. not to big but it has to be on the logo.
Thank you very much and im sure to get a great result from you.
Wooow im so suprised!! You are working quite fast! Would it be posible to make te trees in the same color like in your first logo #9? On #13 would it be posible to make the house, trees and mountains a little big bigger and the sun just a bit smaller? And my last idea, could you maybe make the silhouette a little bit more similar to the mountains on the links on my first coment? as you see the mountains are pointed or sharp.
It would be awsome if you could do that for me! Thank you very much! Kind regards
Thank you so much for all your work. I have an other idea, could you take #9 and make the sun a little bit smaller and whit de color of "elm" on following link: A other thing is the silouhette, could you copie the silouhette of #38. And the last thing i would like to see is the word "elm" in the right corner. from down left to up right. or maype you could put it in some difrent positions.
Sorry for my late respons. I was go out of my town and unable to work it. But I was ready now. Unfortunately, your contest is on Judging Phase where only 1st rank designer who can submit revisions. If you need to see my revisions you can put my entry as 1st rank for temporary. You can rerank again after I submit my revisions. And please leave a comment here to notify me when I was in 1st rank. So, I can submit immediately.