Thank you very much for your work. I really like all tree of your ideas. Is it possible to integrate our cottage in your loge. Maybe somehow and somewhere on the left side over the Name. I imagine that whit the trees could look very nice. More is my idea that u could use the silhouette of our view of the mountains. Here are some liks as kind of impression: or¨ Under the name: Martinsloch you can find some other ideas on google. The important thing for the logo is the hole right under the top of the mountain. is it possible to integrate this hole in the silouhette? The region where is our cottage is called "ELM" could you also integrate the name of the region somehow? not to big but visible on the logo?
Thank you very much and hope to hear from you. Kind regards
Additionaly ive to say that my first comment is refering to the Logo entry number #8.
Entry #7 Is it possible also whit the silouhette of my firts comment? Along whit the hole and the Name "ELM" including. Also the name of our Cottage is Ski und Wanderhuus Ricken. You wrote Richen.
I really like the colores you used and the style. so i hope to get a beautiful result from you.
Wooow Je suis sans voix!! its amazing whta you createt last night :)! More than anithing else #14 i really like! as you see its on the ranking position 1. Some small ideas i still have: The words "Ski- und" are on the underside like a wave or waveshapeing. Could you maybe change that to a normal word style without this waves?
I forghot something. #22 also is beautiful but with that "intensive" blue sky it seems maybe a little bit overloaded. would it be posible to make the blue sky a little bit softer? Could you perhaps also change this oval form in a "normal" sky? maybe right over the mountains a soft blue which will be softer and softer as more up it goes. Sorry for this bad formulation... Do you understand what i mean?
Thank you very much for your corrections :) it seems as you know exactly what you are doing! very professional. one thing i would like to try is change some things on the logo #8. that would be just the silouhette of the mountains like in logo #41. Not the whole mountain, just very soft whit one line the form of the silouhette. Included should also be the hole, good visible but without a sun. The simple but creative style of the logo i like please dont change that, so i im wondering how it would look whit that small corrections. more it also include the words "ELM" maybe you could place it under the words wanderhuus and Ricken in a diagonal position. starting down on the right side and diagonal up tho the left side. (explaned whit a whatch, from 8 to position 3) :) Oh my good, im quite complicated sorry!!
Thank you very much and best regards from switzerland. Roger
Thank you very much for your work. Ive a last idea where we could place the word "elm". would it be posible to put it in the right corner written diagonal from left side down to right side up? do you know what i mean? and maybe just to see how it looks, the word elm in a yellow color? like on followin link?
Thank you very much for your work. I have additonaly an other idea for the logo #44 Could you maybe put a little distance between the grafic part of the logo and the words "Ski- und Wanderhuus Ricken" not to much but seperate it a little bit. More could you may make the house along whit the words a little bit smaller? Just to see how it would look. And the last point i wanted to ask if you perhaps have some ideas where we could place the word "elm"?
Thank you again for all your work. As it seems you are our favorite :)
The new ideas of you whit the logo i really like! just to see how it would look could you may change some small things? #45, #46 could you may erase the street in front of the house and write the word elm in small letters as long whit one ore two steps biger write size? would that be posible?
hi roger, Here are some other suggestions. With me, it's sunny, I live in the Alpes de Haute Provence, near Aix en Provence. No snow ... shame because I like the snow. Thanks, Arm
Thank you very much for your other suggestions. We are not so shure how should look the final desingn. Because of that we are so complicated.. On one side, we like te version whit the signpost. But if we put the logo on a letter or a businesscard its not possible to read it. So we have an other idea, could write Ski- und Wanderhuus Ricken, 8767 Elm? And may you also have an other idea for the color of the logo? Could you insert the street in front of the house again?
Ok i try to send you some snow :) in the last few days it was just snowing and snowing without any stop. Will send you some fotos as soon we have our contact.
Ah, rightnow my boss said that you are invited to come in our ski und wanderhuus Ricken to drive ski oder snowboard :). on Facebook we have a profile :)
hi Roger, merci pour l'invitation, mais depuis mon dernier message il est tombé de la neige. C'est la panique générale ici, on est pas habitué ! :) Voici une autre proposition... Thanks, Arm
Woow really, its snowing in the provence?? :) Thank you very much for your new ideas! But, i had the idea that you write everything in the same style, size and color in black. Frist line: Ski- und Wanderhuus. and second line Ricken, Elm. All in black. My idea whit the colors was, that you just put the logo maybe on a blue or grey style. but all the same, house mountains trees.
Thank you for your fast work. We have now our two favorites #47 and #41 For our final changes we would like you to change following things a little bit. on #47 the color a little more intensive (green), and the signpost a little bigger as long whit a yellow write color. on #41 the impression is that its winter on the logo whit all the white parts. Could you perhaps put a little green glimmer on the white parts to simulate the summer time? and in the same green color the words ; Wanderhuus Ricken.
Sorry for my new message. I would be very happy if you could also have a look on them. #41 a little distance between the logo and the words like on the other new logos. 8767 additionaly befor the word ELM in the same color as the sun has and word size.
sorry for stressing you that much in the last few hours..
Thank you very much for your work! So im hear whit my boss. We have our winner! :) Its number 57
Thank you very much. We have just one final wish. Could you maybe make a soft line on the housetop. We made a print in Black/white version. And in this print it was not visible where ends the housetop. just a soft line to limit the housetop.
Thank you very very much. A vew seconds ago we selected you as our winner :) Contratulations!!!! We are really really happy whit your desing and your friendly and fast support!
I hope it was not to stressfully for you.
Looking foward to hear from you.
Enjoy the day and thank you again.
Best regards from switzerland Roger and Boss, Erwin
Hi roger, I am very glad that we happen to be making a logo that you like. Don't worry, I'm not stressed ... the sun is come back in the "Alpes de Haute Provence" and it's really beautiful. :) I will send you the necessary files and do not hesitate to contact me if you encounter problems. Thanks, again Arm
Sorry for tanking so much time for answering. I just have one little question, now we saw that the windows are blue. could you maybe make them on en grey style.. or a color that you think could fit in the house.
Thank you very much and kind regards from switzerland :) Roger
Hi, no worries I can make windows in gray / blue. But I can not send you here. The contest is closed. Accept my logo and give me your e-mail address. I will send you the new version. cordially Arm